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Joe Butler


The Cowboy Lifeguard of the Rodeo Arena

Joe Butler has spent more time staring down the business end of a bull than most people spend at their day jobs—and somehow, he makes it look easy. Hailing from Cushing, Oklahoma, Joe’s bullfighting career kicked off during his first year of college and hasn’t slowed down since. He even managed to squeeze in a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Oklahoma State University between dodging horns and pulling cowboys out of sticky situations.

After graduation, Joe swapped textbooks for adrenaline and took his bullfighting gig full-time—a decision that’s led to 21 years of wild stories, close calls, and saving cowboys who owe him more than just a thank-you. As a PRCA bullfighter for 18 of those years, Joe’s earned his stripes (and a few bruises) at rodeos across the West, becoming a fan favorite and cowboy lifesaver everywhere he goes.

Now calling Payson, Utah home with his wife Robin and their sons, Clayton and Brantley, Joe’s as much of a family man as he is a bullfighting legend. When he’s not in the arena, he’s cheering on his kids or reminding them that, no, they cannot play tag with a 1,500-pound bull like Dad does.

Joe’s resume includes working some of the top rodeos in the business, including Strawberry Days Rodeo for the past seven years—a gig he’s clearly mastered because they keep asking him back. He’s been voted into the Turquoise Circuit Finals twice, the Montana Circuit Finals twice, and the Wilderness Circuit Finals six times. And if that wasn’t enough, he’s been recognized as one of the top 5 bullfighters for the NFR twice, which is basically the bullfighter equivalent of winning a Grammy.

Joe Butler: proof that heroes don’t wear capes—they wear cleats, face paint, and the occasional hoof-shaped bruise.